About the
Gamma Fire Hoo Healing
GFHH is a unique healing modality developed by Feras Hasan.
GFHH is a compilation frequency which is channelled by Feras and includes the Golden Holy Fire energy which cleanses and purifies on the spiritual level of your energetic being.
About Feras Hasan
My name is Feras Hasan
I was born in Syria. In my earlier years, I never expected to become a healer. I studied physics and chemistry back home at university. I was always really interested in healing myself from my own past childhood traumas, in philosophy and how emotions affect your mind. My childhood was very traumatic, I experienced emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse. This abuse affected my identity, my confidence and my sexuality. I was on a mission to heal myself and in the process I discovered my gift and i learnt and found my own unique way to heal others.

My Story
Back in 2003, I experienced an incident that showed me that I had special healing abilities; at that time my girlfriend and I had some pet birds which we really loved. One day one of the birds was lying on the floor of their cage and appeared to be dying. My girlfriend and the other bird were very distressed. I took the bird out of the cage and blew softly on it. Immediately it returned to health. My girlfriend was amazed! I didn’t know what I did, but I certainly did something.
In 2006, when I was 40 years old, I had a powerful daydream during a meditation which encouraged me to keep going. In the dream, I rode a white horse across the sea to an enormous castle that was filled with blinding light and an old man with a long white beard. As I entered Jesus greeted me, placing a green olive in my hand, “It is your turn brother” he said. I also say Mother Mary is there. The energy of this experience stayed with me for some time.
I was working on myself for many years, releasing a lot of suppressed emotions like anger, sadness, disappointment and much more, which was preventing me from feeling happy within myself. After I released these emotions, I started feeling much better and energy was flowing through my hands and body, to the point that I felt warm all the time, even in very cold weather. I intuitively understood that I have the ability to heal people. In 2009 I started practising my healing skills with colleagues. I received great feedback even though I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I was advised to do some courses and I read a lot of books on the subject of healing. I was actively healing people every day but I also had a full-time job. At the same time, I was definitely healing myself and I realized that being a healer is more of an inner journey than an outer journey. Every client is an aspect of me, a mirror, so I was raising my own frequency every time I healed someone else.
I realized that it is my mission to share my gift of healing with the world, so I became a full-time healer and that is what I do today. I really love to help people, I really love to see them well. I do this work from my heart and I want to see GFHH helping people all over the world.
How I developed the Gamma Fire Hoo Healing Modality
The more self-healing I did, and healing for others, the more my frequency increased and I discovered what I was supposed to be doing here. Slowly, slowly, all the elements of my methodology came together as I was discovering my gift. The Holy Fire frequency is a gift that I have genetically and from past lives. When I heal people, many of them experience the same sensation of heat, particularly around the area being treated. Some people even start sweating. The fire is purifying you at every level, your thoughts and emotions, even your DNA and levels of your being which are invisible to your eyes.
I also started hearing the word Gamma in my mind and I was wondering what it meant, so I looked it up and discovered that Gamma is a frequency which raises awareness and consciousness. I use this consciousness frequency with my clients to assist them in raising their frequency so that they can receive the healing being offered.
One day I heard about the Sufi Dervishes from Turkey, a group were coming to the area where I live. I went to see their ritual being performed and saw the dervishes offering prayers to a very old carpet or rug. When I looked at this rug I saw spirit, then I saw the spirit inhabit the Dervish who was leading the ceremony and inspiring the activities. I received the message to incorporate Hoo from the Dervish spirit, Hoo is the energy of Unconditional Love.
This love frequency was the third element I needed for my formula and mantra. I put the three elements together and started using it as Gamma Fire Hoo Healing- firstly on myself and then on my clients. It worked amazingly. So I found my own way of healing and it really works. You don’t need to believe in this modality for it to work for you, it works for everyone - you only need to be open-minded and give it a try.
It was tough to heal myself by myself, like operating without any anaesthetic... When a problem is on the soul level, the mainstream medical industry cannot heal it. On my path to self-healing, I had no one to tell me how things are supposed to work, and what I’m supposed to feel and do. But because I have healed myself, I have gone through so much on my own, I know how my clients feel when I am healing them. I can empathise and I can tell them that even though it is a tough journey, you will be OK and you will get through it, because I did. The practical experience I gained from healing myself gave me the background I needed to become a healer myself.
I have helped people with so many different issues - cancer, diabetes, respiratory, bowel problems, so many different things… I see my clients’ lives changing for the better. I am now using chanting to heal many people at one time - I can channel healing energies through chanting, a form of sound healing, which addresses many different issues from different people simultaneously. Gamma Fire Hoo Healing is now in a format that I can easily teach people how to use it for themselves as a mantra. I want to expand my gift to help as many people as possible.
Healing the Soul
GFHH is highly effective in treating;
a vast array of physical diseases
emotional imbalance, mental blockage
spiritual trauma.
Feras believes that 80% of the root of all disease, suffering and illness must be healed firstly on the Soul or spiritual level, then on the mind or mental level, then on the emotional level, and finally on the physical body level.
We can also refer to these levels as the Soul, Mind, Emotional, and Physical Body. The GFHH modality first finds the root cause of the illness and the energy and emotions related to it. The issue is then healed on the spiritual level, creating a foundation for effective change on all other levels.
Feras can heal you by reaching the unique and specific code needed to reverse your specific health concern.
Your individual healing process actually begins as soon as you book your session!
Everyone can benefit from the GFHH modality because it is sound frequency based, therefore zero effort is required to participate in your healing session - just relax, listen and enjoy!
Feras’s chanting, channelling, light language & light codes, healing touch and telepathic insights are available to anyone to enjoy via:
1:1 healing sessions in person (UK) or online (international)
Group healing sessions in person or online
Pre-recorded video sessions
Live events and workshops where you can learn the GFHH mantra, your clients, and your loved ones.
GFHH comes from the Source of compassion and love. The rich and resonant timbre of Feras’s voice, and his drums and other instruments, make a GFHH chanting session soothing, relaxing and even enjoyable for your mind, body and soul.
As the sounds vibrations and frequencies penetrate your field, you may experience:
alignment of the physical body which creates involuntary physical sensations and movements as you attune to your authentic self such as shivering, shaking, hot or cold sensations in the body
emotional release of stored negative emotions which are attached to your body related to the issue being worked on such as release of anger and sadness etc.
visions including seeing colors or lights, entities, events, or receiving psychic messages and other phenomena which transport you to a much deeper level of your consciousness.
Feras receives and shares with you, a lot of information he receives psychically about your condition or situation, including from;
your past, future or concurrent lives
from the Akashic Records or the Book of Life
from guides and other spiritual messengers
When you discuss your health condition in detail with Feras, you will find a kind, compassionate and sensitive listener. Feras has a wealth of experience to draw from in understanding your personal challenges and is totally non-judgmental.
Sound Healing
Due to the vibrational nature of GFHH, it is a suitable and effective treatment for people who suffer from debilitating mental, emotional, and physical impairments which make it very difficult for them to talk about their condition.
Sufferers of spectrum diseases such as the different types of autism, or of mental health disorders such as chronic depression, anxiety, OCD, or sufferers of irrational fears and phobias, can easily participate in a GFHH healing session and benefit without going through any kind of diagnosis process.